All that Life Offers
A list of everything that a person might consider meaningful in life. So there are things on the list I expect many people would not find meaningful, but everything that anybody would find meaningful should be on the list. The intention is to have a simple list that a person can look through and decide what items they are interested in. Each item is intended to be interpreted flexibly.
- Romantic relationships
- Children
- Family
- Friends
- Pets
Pleasurable experiences
- Places visited
- Food and drink consumed
- Sex
- Pleasurable moments
- Art, music, literature, film, video games
- Awards, competitions won
- Wealth accumulated
- Things created
- Possessions acquired
- Rank / title achieved
- Personal goals accomplished
Self Improvement
- Challenging experiences endured
- Personal character development
- Knowledge gained
- Spiritual experiences
- Religious achievements
A couple of the categories I had trouble naming well.
Pleasurable moments — This category was intended to capture meaningful moments such as seeing a beautiful sunrise, seeing your child being born, a moment of great zen, etc…
Personal goals achieved — This category was intended to capture achieving an important personal goal such as climbing Mt. Everest, conquering all of Europe, etc…